Singasari Kingdom


Singasari kingdom is a kingdom that is located in the lush mountains, in Malang region, and into ports in Pasuruan, East Java. Singasari Kingdom was founded by Ken Arok. Established in 1222 until 1293. Singasari Kingdom, before is Kingdom of Tumapel which is led by regent name Tunggul Ametung. Previously, Ken Arok was slave of Tunggul Ametung. But when he was saw Kendedes, wife of Ametung, he fell in love and accidentally he saw a light from her feminine areas. So,when he as a MPU(spiritual teacher) he know if whoever marries a woman he had seen a light from her feminine area, he will be King. Ken Arok so adamant to get Kendedes and marry her. At that time he intended to kill Ametung, he ordered a dagger from MPU Gandring . But the time hasn’t yet come, ken arok immediately took the dagger from MPU Gandring,then kill him. Mpu Gandring said to Ken Arok before he died, if he(Ken Arok) and all his offspring will be die by that dagger. Then Ken Arok kill Tunggul Ametung, and then he married Kendedes. He become a King in the area then he called that be Kingdom Singasari. From first marriage Kendedes with first husband,named tunggul ametung, he have stepson, named Anusapati. And he be King from 1268 until 1292. Singasari kingdom reached its peak during the reign of Kertanegara who has the title of ” Maharajadhiraja Kertanegara Wikrama Dharmotunggadewa. Also Kertanegara is the last King in Singasari Kingdom.

Political Life.

Singosari kingdom that had experienced triumph in the history of the development of Hinduism in Indonesia has been ruled by the kings as follows:

a). King Ken Arok

After his victory in the battle against the kingdom of Kediri, Ken Arok decided to make Bhattara dynasty and build a new empire under the name Kingdom of Singasari. Ken Arok as the first king of the Kingdom of Singasari the title of ” Sri Ranggah Rajasa Bhatara Sang Amurwabhumi” and the dynasty named Girindrawangsa Dynasty (Dynasty Descendants Shiva). The establishment of this dynasty aimed at eliminating traces of who actually Ken Arok and why he managed to set up the kingdom. In addition,to the descendants of Ken Arok (if one day become a great king) is not tarnished by the behavior and actions of the crimes committed by Ken Arok ever do. King Ken Arok ruled in 1222-1227 AD. The reign of Ken Arok ended tragically,when he was killed by Anusapati accomplice, who is his stepson (the child Kendedes with her first husband Tunggul Ametung).

b). King Anusapati

With the death of Ken Arok, Singasari throne directly held by Anusapati. In the period of the long reign (1227-1248 AD ),do not Anusapati reforms, due to his penchant Anusapati dissolve himself, ie risking chicken. The death of Ken Arok eventually uncovered and until the son of Ken Arok with Ken Umang,named Tohjaya. Tohjaya know that Anusapati like to risking chicken, because that, Tohjaya invite Anusapati to risking chicken in gedong jiwa (Tohjaya residence). When Anusapati was busy seeing complaints chicken, suddenly he pull out a dagger Mpu Gandring were brought Anusapati and immediately thrust back into Anusapati until he died.

c). King Tohjaya

By Anusapati dieing, the throne held by Tohjaya. Tohjaya rules Singasari Kingdom only few month (in 1248 AD). Because Anusapati son named Ranggawuni know about why Anusapati die. Ranggawuni with someone,named Mahesha Cempaka claim right about the throne to Tohjaya. But Tohjaya send troops to catch Ranggawuni and Mahesha Cempaka. So, they both fled before the troops of Tohjaya catch them. To investigate where’s Ranggawuni and Mahesha Cempaka hiding, Tohjaya sent troops under the command of Lembu Ampal. However, Lembu Ampal realized that were eligible for the throne is Ranggawuni. Then he turn to side Ranggawuni. Ranggawuni with Mahesha Cempaka  and help with Lembu Ampal won the throne of Tohjaya. Tohjaya was die.

d). King Wisnuwardhana(Ranggawuni)

Ranggawuni was ascended the throne over the kingdom with a tittle “Sri JayaWisnuwardhana” and Cempaka Mahesha “Narashingamurti”. They was rules by (1248-1268). Wisnuwardhana as a King, and Narashingamurti as a Queen. Government authorities brought both safety and well-being. In the year 1254 AD, Wisnuwardhana raised his son as Yuvaraja (viceroy) with a view to preparing his son Kertanegara become a great king in the Kingdom Singasari. After Wisnuwardhana died (he was the only king who died were not killed in the Kingdom Singasari) , switch to the throne Singasari is Kertanegara.

e). King Kertanegara

King Kertanegara (1268-1292 AD )is the leading kings and the last king of the Kingdom of Singasari. Under his reign, the Singasari Kingdom reach his heyday. Stability empire embodied in the reign of King Wisnuwardhana enhanced again by the actions of a firm and courageous. After east java well-regard circumtances,King Kertanegara stepped outside East Java to realize the ideals of unity throughout the country under the banner of the Kingdom Singasari.

Efforts taken by King Kertanegara can be seen from the implementation of domestic and foreign politics. In order to realize political stability Singasari kingdom,King Kertanegara path as follows:

1). Domestic Policy

Substitution royal officials,aims to raise governance compact.
Maintaining the security and political conduct marriages.The create harmony and political stability. Do good to political opponent also in their domestic politic.

2). Foreign Politic.

a. Carry out Pamalayu’s expedition to rule the Malay kingdom and weaken the position of Sriwijaya kingdom in the Malacca Strait.

b. Mastering Bali,Mastering West Java,Mastering Malacca and Borneo.
Based on cultural aspects, found temples and statues, including the left-hand temple, jago temple, and singasari temple. While the statues found are kendedes statues as the goddess prajnaparamitha, symbol of perfection of science, kertanegara statues in the form of joko dolog statues, and amoghapasa statues are also embodiments of kertanegara (both statues state that kertanegara adheres to tantrayana Buddhism

As an empire, singasari’s royal journey can be said to take place with the existence of disputes that occur within the royal palace which is thick with nuances of power struggles. At that time the kingdom of Singasari was busy sending its army out of Java. Eventually the kingdom of Singasari experienced chaos especially during the jayakatwang rebellion which was the cousin of Kertanegara. In the attack, kertanegara were killed. So that the kingdom of Singasari was destroyed. And the kingdom is finish.

Travel ke Lombok yang paling Berkesan

Lombok adalah salah satu tujuan wisata yang terkenal akan keindahan alamnya. Lombok terletak di Nusa Tenggara Barat. Aku sangat ingin sekali mengunjungi kota lombok. Sudah sangat lama aku berharap bisa berlibur kesana. Dan akhirnya liburan kemarin aku bisa mewujudkan keinginanku. Walaupun pada awalnya aku agak galau antara berangkat atau tidak ke lombok. Disamping waktu yang mepet dengan pekerjaan, harga tiket pesawat yang mahal membuatku galau. Hehehe,,,

Tapi pada akhirnya aku memutuskan untuk berangkat juga karena memang aku ingin sekali ke lombok. Sejak dari dua minggu sebelumnya, aku mengontak travel agent untuk mempersiapkan perjalananku selama di lombok.Aku menggunakan jasa travel agent karena waktu itu pertama kali aku datang ke lombok dan gak tahu jalan, apalagi aku gak mau ribet orangnya. Pokoknya semua serba udah ada yang ngatur kalau kita menggunakan jasa travel agent. Aku hanya tinggal duduk manis aja, lagipula tanpa travel agent belum tentu pengeluaran aku lebih kurang dari pada menggunakan jasa travel agent. Maka dari itu, aku putuskan untuk menggunakan jasa travel agent.

Aku memilih salah satu paket yang ditawarkan oleh mereka untuk perjalananku selama di lombok sudah termasuk hotel dan 3 kali makan per hari. Itu sudah wow donk 😍😍😍 aku gak perlu merogoh kocek lagi untuk beli makan. Kecuali hanya untuk jajan aja.


Well, akhirnya waktu t’lah tiba. Aku memilih penerbangan pukul 4.45 pagi dari bandara soekarno-hatta dan sampai di bandara lombok pukul 7.30 dengan menggunakan pesawat lion air. ( itu karena garuda agak mahal.xixixixi) Tapi lion air tidak memberi free bagasi. Akhirnya aku harus menekan barang bawaanku cukup sedikit agar bisa dibawa di cabin.

Sesampainya di bandara lombok,sopir sudah menunggu dan langsung menjemput untuk langsung memulai perjalanan. Trip pertama, karena belum sarapan akhirnya membawaku ke salah satu restaurant cukup terkenal di lombok. Kupilih menu ayam taliwang, alhamdulillah rasanya enak juga. 😬 Setelah sarapan, kami menuju desa sukarae tempat dimana para warga mengumpulkan hasil karya pembuatan kain songketnya untuk dijual kembali. Disana, aku diperlihatkan bagaimana cara membuat kain songket dan diberi kesempatan juga untuk mencoba memakai pakaian adat lombok dan berfoto di rumah adatnya 😍☺️

Setelah dari desa sukarae, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke pantai mawun, disana pantainya indah tapi ombaknya deras dan sepi pengunjung. Warga disana bilang bahwa kurangnya pengunjung yang datang sejak terjadinya gempa di lombok dulu. Mereka kesusahan untuk bekerja dari berjualan maupun untuk mencari ikan karena ombaknya yang sangat besar. Tapi jujur, pantainya bersih dan indah.

Dari pantai mawun, kami pergi ke area kuta untuk makan siang. Guide/sopir membawaku ke restaurant segara anak. Disana aku makan siang, dan berjalan-jalan santai di sekitar pantai kuta mandalika sambil menunggu guide sholat jum’at karena kebetulan waktu itu hari jum’at. Pantai kuta terkenal dengan cerita putri yang terjun ke laut dan menjadi cacing yang sering diadakan ritual setiap bulan muharram dengan nama nyale. Pantainya sangat indah,dan bersih. Tahun 2020 kota lombok akan mengadakan motoGP untuk pertama kali dan acaranya di area kuta. Sirkuitnya sedang dalam pembangunan.

Next setelah dari pantai kuta, kami melanjutkan perjalanan ke pantai tanjung aan dan bukit merese. Wow,,,aku nyaris tidak percaya dengan keindahan alamnya yang disana ketika aku naik ke bukit merese. Pantai yang sangat indah dengan hamparan pasir putih dan bukit yang indah. Ketika aku foto landscape nya seperti sebuah lukisan. Itu nyata sangat indah 😍😍😍 Pokoknya kalau pembaca ke lombok, harus mampir ke pantai tanjung aan. That’s amazing !!!

Akhirnya hari mulai gelap, setelah menonton sunset dan kami pergi dinner lalu kemudian check in hotel. Aku memilih salah satu hotel di area senggigi. Aruna senggigi nama hotel tempatku menginap. Cukup menarik dan nyaman hotelnya. Malam itu aku dapat beristirahat karena esok harinya memulai perjalanan lagi.


Next day, setelah sarapan kami memulai trip ke gili nanggu. Dari pelabuhan kami menyebrang ke pulau gili nanggu menggunakan boat. Disana aku bisa melakukan aktivitas snorkeling. Banyak ikan-ikan warna warni dan indah. Sebelum bersnorkeling aku sudah mempersiapkan roti yang dimasukkan ke dalam botol dan diisi air untuk memberi makan ikan-ikan disana. Di gili nanggu dilarang memancing ikan. Kita hanya boleh berenang,bermain air dan bersnorkeling dengan ikan-ikan disana. Keindahan pulau dan pantainya dengan ombak yang tenang. Setelah itu kami menyebrang ke pulau gili yang lain dan makan siang disana.

Disediakan ikan bakar dan aku request salah satu ikan parrot fish untuk digoreng. Yummy, ikannya fresh. Setelah makan siang,lanjut lagi ke pulau gili yang lainnya,disana kita bisa bermain starfish,main air dan snorkeling lagi. Tapi tak seindah di gili nanggu. Maksudku, snorkeling di gili nanggu lebih nyaman karena di gili kedis banyak rumput laut. Lalu kami kembali ke pelabuhan dan diajak ke tempat spa. Tadinya ingin melihat sunset dulu, tapi kita telat berangkat dari pulau jadi gak bisa liat sunset. Tapi tak apa, setelah lelah snorkeling dimanjakan dengan satu jam spa😍tubuhku terasa fresh. Sepertinya aku pengen tidur selama di spa. Hehe☺️😆☺️

Setelah itu kami makan malam di restaurant sekitar pantai. Makan malamnya special dengan dekorasi lilin seperti makan malam romantis. Menunya ikan lagi, lobster dan calamari. Minumnya jus buah naga. Tapi makan disekitar anjing kurang menyenangkan. Jadi kurang setuju kalau dibilang romantis🤣😂 rasa makananya lebih enak di restaurant biasa daripada di reataurant tersebut. Ops, bukannya merendahkan. Tapi rasa gak pernah bohong 😆 akhirnya selesai makan malam kami kembali ke hotel dan tidur. 😴😴


Hari terakhir setelah sarapan,aku check out dari hotel. Melanjutkan perjalanan ke pantai pink😄 perjalanan dari hotel ke pelabuhan memakan waktu dua jam. Tapi sebelumnya kami mampir ke pusat oleh-oleh. Ya, belanja dikitlah karena no free bagage 😂😂sesampainya di pelabuhan,kami naik boat selama 45 menit untuk sampai ke pantai pink. Sekitar jam 1 siang tapi masih belum terlihat pink pantainya 🤣 tapi beberapa koral merah terlihat membuat pantai sedikit warna pink. Pantainya bersih. Untuk menuju ke pantai pink ada dua alternatif. Yaitu melalui perjalanan laut atau perjalanan darat. Hanya saja kalau melalui perjalanan darat memakan waktu 3-4 jam dan jalannya belum terlalu bagus. Jadi aku sarankan naik boat saja, walau dipelabuhannya agak kotor dan banyak sampah karena disana pemukiman warga.

Jalan-jalan naik ke bukit untuk melihat keindahan pantai dan berfoto disana. Setelah itu kami melakukan perjalanan ke pulau pasir. Really amazing,,,tempatnya quiet,pasir bersih dan terletak ditengah laut namun ada daratan. Itu tidak terlihat seperti di lombok, serasa seperti lagi di luar negeri. Banyak bintang laut dan kepiting juga. Rasanya aku gak mau pulang dan hanya ingin tetap bermain-main disana 😍🥰 Tapi waktuku berakhir dan harus segera pergi ke airport agar tidak ketinggalan pesawat.

Akhirnya itulah akhir dari perjalananku semalam di lombok. Mungkin nanti aku bisa kembali mengunjungi lombok. Perjalanannya menyenangkan, tidak bisa diungkapkan dengan kata-kata lagi. Bagi kalian yang mau ke lombok, lebih baik gunakan jasa travel agent ya guys, biar tak ada tempat yang terlewatkan. Untuk kekurangannya mungkin nanti aku bisa nulis seputar info lombok atau tempat lainnya. Time back to jakarta 😅 akhirnya perjalanan selesai dan bye.

The Characteristic Of True Love

Everybody may ever do to fall in love. And no rare to do sacrifice for love. Is that right?

Here is a few characteristic of true love.

1). True Love is do sacrifice

Ask yourself, are you willing to sacrifice for your partner? and whether your partner is also willing to sacrifice for you? Try to remember again the problems that make your relationship emotionally disturbed. What happens when the mutual understanding or perhaps sacrifice for the sake of maintaining your relationship?
Are you both put others in dealing with problems in a relationship. If the sacrifice of himself and you just a little bit, maybe it is not true love. What you have is a relationship that could quickly become codependent.

2).True Love intertwined Communications
Communication is very important in a relationship. If you feel it difficult to find a topic of conversation with him, or the important things in life, this is a big problem.

Healthy relationships should be characterized by mild discussions about anything, not just daily life. For example, chat about the past, the future, life goals, beliefs, hobbies, work, or the personality of each other. If you feel able to share their stories without fear of criticism, could be he is your true love.

3).True love is mutual accept changes
True love includes a willingness to change for the benefit couples. Is changing future plans, interior decorating preferences, or others. It also includes the ability to receive and secure feeling to be accepted.

True love means that you can see your partner’s fault, but you accept them as a part of your life. You don’t have to feel that you have to act, talk, dress, think or feel a certain way to be accepted into the person he loves.

4).True love is Respect
Mutual respect by no means always agree with each other, but it doesn’t mean that at a basic level you expand polite and tolerant of each other even in the midst of strife. You must respect the rights of each are different.

And, you have to find a way to compromise and tolerance of each other at times, even though when you don’t feel like giving way. In fact, the characteristics of true love is that you still choose to treat others with respect and gentle, even when you feel otherwise.

5).True Love was full of Love
Affection is important in a relationship. Not only in physical form, but also other romantic touches.
When your girlfriend is able to do a special effort to spend more time with you and want to know you closer to doing something you love, it certainly signs of true love!

6).True Love is need trust
True love will not be born without trust. High honesty can strengthen the relationship, but you can’t build on a foundation that contains no trust from the beginning.

7).True love was mutual understanding
Are you able to understand on your partner? own or your partner are able to understand you.
if any of you there is no mutual understanding and always misunderstood without wanting to resolve the misunderstandings that maybe it would be a big problem.
True love requires a sense of understanding. not mutually selfish and try not to be overly sensitive to every word that came out. sometimes we do not realize that the smallest thing can be a reason for a quarrel.
And when it is necessary to have mutual understanding to discuss the problem and try to understand what really happened. Mutual understanding for what we like and do not like, as well as to what your partner likes and dislikes.

Maybe this is only a few thing about characteristhic of True Love that I can share. May your partner is your true love.


381120_409332529126949_1043324428_nJika ingat masa itu,begitu perih rasa hatiku. Namun aku bersyukur Allah masih memberi kekuatan untukku dapat bertahan hingga saat ini. Terkadang aku mengeluh akan keadaanku,tapi aku kembali berfikir lagi bahwa aku tidak perlu mengeluh dan harus bersyukur bahwa Allah masih memberikanku kebahagiaan saat ini. Kebahagiaan itu adalah KELUARGA. Ayah,ibu dan adik-adikku yang selalu ada dan mendukungku.

Perih yang kurasakan saat dulu aku tidak mempunyai apa-apa.  Orang-orang memandangku dan keluargaku begitu rendah. Bahkan ketika adikku sakit,tidak ada yang peduli. Hanya karena saat itu ayahku tidak bekerja, dimana perusahaan tempat ayahku bekerja mengalami kebangkrutan dan terpaksa harus memberhentikan para pekerja. Mungkin saat itu tidak ada yang dapat dibanggakan oleh kami, sehingga orang-orang tidak peduli. Tapi aku tetap bangga pada ayahku,walau bagaimanapun aku sayang dia.

Aku melihat orang-orang tertawa,bersenda gurau. Sedangkan aku,ibu,dan adik-adikku hanya  duduk melihat mereka yang sedang bersenang –senang.  Kucoba menghibur diri,dan tidak merasa iri terhadap mereka. Ini sebuah bahasa hati,aku bahkan tidak perlu untuk mengatakan. Tapi hati ini mendorongku untuk mengungkapkan ke dalam sebuah tulisan.

Kepedihan itu kembali terjadi di saat aku beranjak remaja,masa depanku hancur karena kecelakaan yang terjadi padaku saat itu. Itu awal kisah pedih yang membuat ibuku merasa harus pergi jauh bekerja meninggalkan kami. Saat itu,26 oktober 2006,aku mengalami kecelakaan motor bersama teman dan adik sepupuku.  Kami hendak pergi mengunjungi kakek buyut kami di cianjur selatan sehari setelah hari raya idul fitri. Di perjalanan,seorang pengendara menabrak kaki kananku,sehingga temanku yang sedang mengendarai tidak dapat mengontrol laju motor. Lalu kembali bertabrakan dengan pengendara motor lain.

Orang-orang yang melihat kejadian itu membawa kami ke rumah sakit. Dokter mengatakan saat itu aku harus menjalani operasi untuk wajahku dan amputasi pada kaki ku karena saat itu keadaan tulang kakiku hancur, Oh tidaaaaakkkkk…….Aku tidak dapat membayangkan bagaimana jika dokter melakukan hal itu. Aku dan keluargaku tidak setuju,bagaimana aku akan kehilangan kakiku jika benar-benar harus melakukannya. Dan dari mana kami memiliki biaya yang sangat besar untuk membayar dokter dan rumah sakit. Akhirnya kami pulang ke rumah dan memanggil seorang tradisional dokter untuk mengobati kakiku. Kecelakaan itu membuatku harus terbaring begitu lama dan tidak dapat melakukan apa-apa. Aku merasa benar-benar hancur saat itu dan tidak dapat berfikir tentang masa depan.

Setelah keadaanku mulai membaik, ibu terpaksa pergi meninggalkan kami karena terlilit hutang yang lumayan besar bekas biaya pengobatanku. Akhirnya ibu pergi  jauh untuk bekerja. Hari demi hari aku lewati dengan deraian airmata. Tapi aku bersyukur bahwa keluarga selalu memberikan support agar aku tidak berkecil hati dan terus bersemangat untuk dapat sembuh dan kembali membangun masa depan yang cemerlang. Setelah berbagai hal aku lewati, dan aku selalu berdoa untuk kesembuhanku.

Alhamdulillah Allah telah membukakan pintu kebahagiaan dan rezeki kepadaku. Hingga sampai saat ini aku dapat bekerja dan mencoba membuat keluargaku merasa bahagia. Aku bertanya agar ibuku hanya tinggal dirumah. Dan aku yang akan bekerja. Kerja keras yang dilakukan dengan ikhlas,semangat dan diiringi dengan do’a,aku yakin akan menuai baik hasilnya. Terima kasih Ya Allah,karena telah memberikan kebahagiaan padaku hingga saat ini. Dan aku dapat kembali sehat dan melakukan aktifitas dengan normal,juga tak lupa untuk selalu mengucap syukur dan berdo’a pada Allah,Tuhanku. Bagiku,kesehatan adalah hal yang begitu mahal bahwa kita harus mencoba untuk selalu menjaga kondisi kesehatan kita. Bagiku,keluarga adalah anugerah terpenting yang harus kita jaga dan sayangi.

Hri berganti hari, bulan berganti bulan, tahun berganti tahun, hingga aku akan berada pada awal tahun 2015. Hari ini adalah kunci untuk hari esok. Jika kita melakukan sesuatu yang baik pada hari ini, aku yakin esok kita akan mendapatkan hari yang terbaik. Aku berharap Allah selalu memberikan hari terindah untuk hidupku,keluargaku, dan para sahabat semua. Semoga Allah selalu memberikan kebahagiaan untuk kita semua. Allah ada di hati kita, Allah yang maha pengasih dan maha penyayang. Terima kasih dan syukur aku ucapkan.

Eid Al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr (Arabic: عيد الفطر ‘Eid al-Fitr) is a Muslim feast which falls on the 1st of Shawwal in Hijri calendar. Because the determination of Shawwal 1 based on the circulation of the month, then the Eid falls on a different date each year when seen from the gregorian calendar. How to determine the 1 Syawal also vary, so may be there are some Muslims who celebrate it on a different gregorian calendar. On the 1st of Shawwal start at the end of the fasting month of Ramadan, and then celebrate Eid. Early morning is always performed Salat Eid (Eid prayers), salat Eid al-fitr in the field or even the highway (especially in big cities) if the area is not enough to accommodate worshipers worship. Ied in prayer before the priest did remind anyone who has not paid zakat fitrah, because if finished prayers ied its new pay zakat alms ordinary law is not charity. The law of the Eid Prayer is Sunnah mu’akkad. On the evening before and after the feast, Muslims sunnah to peal takbir. In Indonesia frequent prayer Minal ‘Aidin wal-Faizin, in fact it is the tradition of the people of Southeast Asia. According to most scholars speech is no based on the speech of the Prophet Muhammad. These words originally came from a poet in the Al-Andalus, which was named Shafiyuddin Al-Huli, when he brought the poem in the context about women in feast. There is sunnah to say greeting Taqaballahu minna waminkum (“May Allah accept our deeds and you”) or Taqabbalallahu minna wa waminkum ahalahullahu ‘alaik (“May Allah accept (good deeds) from us and from you all and may God perfected upon you” etc.”) Muslims in Indonesia make Eid as a major feast day, moment to regroup with family, especially families who for some reason, such as a job or marriage, must be separated. Starting two weeks before Eid, Muslims in Indonesia began to busy thinking about the celebration of this feast, the main thing is mudik, or Going Home, so the government was facilitated by improving the roads impassable. Eid al-Fitr in Indonesia is celebrated as a national holiday, which is celebrated by most people who are predominantly Muslim Indonesia. Typically, the determination of Eid is determined by the government, but some Islamic organizations to define that differently. Eid called Lebaran in Indonesia, where most of the people back home (mudik and balik) to celebrate with family. During the celebration, a variety of dishes served. The most popular dish in Eid celebrations in Indonesia is a ketupat, which is very familiar in Indonesia, Malaysia, Brunei, and Singapore. For the children, usually the parents give money to their feast. During the celebration, people usually visit homes to neighbors or relatives to stay in touch, which is known as “halal bi-halal”, and forgiveness apologize to them. Some state officials also held an open house for people who want to stay in touch. In Malaysia, Singapore, and Brunei, Eid is also known as Hari Raya Puasa, Eid al-fitri or Hari Raya fitrah(disposition). People in Malaysia and Singapore also celebrate with Muslim communities around the world. As in Indonesia, the night before the celebration always shouted takbir in mosques or mosque, which reveals the victory and greatness of Allah, God Muslims. In village, usually a lot of people who turn on a lamp, or torch in Indonesian. Many banks, private and government offices closed during Eid celebrations until the end of the week. People here usually were saying “Selamat Hari Raya” or “Selamat IdulFitri” and “Apologize for emotional and physical” as an expression of apology to others. In Malaysia there is also a tradition balik kampung, or mudik in Indonesia. Here also there is the tradition of giving money from parents to children, which is known as the highway money. Muslims are a minority in the Philippines, so most people are not so familiar with this celebration. However, Eid is set up as a national holiday by the government under Republic Act No.. 9177 and valirom 13 November 2002.

Sleep Position To Know Your Character.

Did you know that sleeping position one can show his personality. There are 6 sleeping position can be attributed to one’s personality.

1. Fetal

Fetal sleep with a sideways position, with legs bent and arms resemble the baby in the womb. This sleeping position shows that you are: Someone who looks tough on the outside, but actually has a gentle heart and a sensitive, shy, have rapid recharge capability .

2. Login

Logs are sleeping on your side with your legs straight and hands on the same side, like wood. This sleeping position shows that you are: Someone who is outgoing and has many friends Easily trust strangers who are not known, and even sometimes gullible .

3. Yearner

Yearner is sleeping sideways position, with legs straight down, but the hand straight toward the front. This sleeping position shows that you are: Someone who is open, alert, and sometimes suspicious and cynical Takes a long time to make a decision It’s hard to change minds

4. Soldier

Soldier is sleeping supine position, with legs and arms straight down at his sides lies. This sleeping position shows that you are: Someone who is quiet and happy to observe others, not like the crowd, having high standards, both for oneself and others.

5. Free Faller

Free faller is prone sleeping position with both hands on the side of the head and legs straight down. This sleeping position shows that you are: Someone less polite Looks like someone who likes to make friends Shameless Appeared confident,can not accept criticism from others.

6. Starfish

Starfish is supine sleeping position with both hands on the side of the head and legs straight down. This sleeping position shows that you are: Someone who can be a good friend a good listener, like to help and simple always seemed cheerful in any situation.

sleep position

500px app and New Backgrounds!

The Blog

We’re thrilled to announce a new integration on 500px. The new 500px app is a fantastic way for photographers to display their work, and a fun way for everyone to discover professional caliber photography on

You can browse amazing photos from within the app and follow 500px photographers from their page. In addition to the new app for your page, 500px has even more to offer!

Lovely photos from 500px

New Backgrounds.

There are also new 500px Gallery backgrounds handpicked from the best images on 500px. A photo of you is the ideal way to present yourself online, but if you already have a headshot in your bio box, a beautiful 500px background image is the perfect photo for your page.

The new backgrounds photos will to help you keep your page looking fresh, especially if you update from one of our older stock backgrounds. After logging in to your page…

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Nasi Tumpeng

I’ve cooking this food today for lunch,It’s nice 😉 Indonesian food that i like,called “nasi tumpeng”. I’ll share with you all how to cook this food,this is very easy.

Nasi Tumpeng.

-1 kilogram of rice fluffier , wash
-1 liter of coconut milk
-Sufficient water to soak the rice
yellow seasoning:
-2 knuckles turmeric or you can also use 2 t-ablespoon turmeric powder.
-2 stalks lemongrass, crushed
-2 bay leaves
-salt to taste.
-MSG(monosodium glutamate)
-roasted peanut
-Omelet, sliced ​​lengthwise
how to make:
-First soak rice, in water that has been mixed with grated / powdered turmeric.
-Allow the rice marinade for ± 30 minutes and then steamed for 30 minutes.
-while waiting for steamed,boiled milk coconut,lemongrass,bay leaves,salt and MSG while stirring until boiling.
-Enter the rice and cook, stirring frequently, until the water is absorbed.
Furthermore, steamed until cooked ± 20 minutes. lift.

then you can add cucumber, eggs, nuts, and crackers when you arrange that “nasi tumpeng ” on a plate.



Everyday brings: A new case,fresh start,beautiful and new brand. 

Do you worry about the future and forget about the present?
So you don’t live in the present, and also in the future.
Do you live as if you live forever,and then die as if you’ve never lived.
Do you work so hard and lose your health to earn money,
then you lose money to restore your health?

Life teaches us many things,if only we listen.
You can’t make people love you,all you can do is let yourself be loved.
It is not good to compare yourself with others.
Learning to forgive is to practice forgiveness.
And to forgive others,you must forgive yourself .

Just take a few seconds to open profound wounds,
on the person you love.
And takes many years to heal them.
The richest person isn’t the person who most have many,
but the people with the least need.
Two people can see the same thing,and see it in a different way.
Learning to respect others,be cheerful giver.
And always be thankful for the beautiful life.
Live your life fully, sincere, and loving.